Page 33 - Executive Summary
P. 33


                                      Current situation

                       Statement of problem  agricultural produces  according to suitability and potential of the   Background
                              -  Agricultural area 177.7 Million rai  Constitution of The Kingdom of Thailand
                              -  Not suitable agriculture area 14.43
                                                                   section 72(1) provides that “Land use
                               Million rai
                              -  Imbalance demand – supply of    planning of Thailand must be formulation

                              -  Misuse of land                          land based on SDG”
                              -  Problem of land holding rights
                              -  Land degradation

                                        Supply side                        Demand side

                                  Resource status in Thailand
                               -  Soil and land                   Status of Social & Economic
                                                                    -  Social & Economic
                               -  Forest                            -  Gross domestic product of
                               -  Water                             agricultural sector
                               -  Land use                          -  Demand – supply of agricultural   Database and information
                               -  Land suitability for economic crops    -  Trending the growth of agricultural
                       Conceptual framework
                                                                    sector for domestic and aboard

                                  Legisletion, government policy, strategy, SDG, Climate change and disater

                                                         Land use plan
                                   DPSIR                  formulation             Public hearing     Tools

                                                    Land use plan of Thailand

                     Figure 1 A conceptual framework of land use planning of Thailand

                     5.  Procedures and methods of implementation

                          5.1    Establish Committee on Land Use Plan for Thailand

                                 1)  Determine a concept framework of land use plan for Thailand
                                 2)  Establish a working group to work on land use plan for Thailand, by

                     Committee on Land Use Plan for Thailand.
                                 3)  Design guideline for relevant database for land use planning.

                                 4)  Gathering and analyze physical data.

                                 5)  Monitor, evaluate, and review data consistency, accuracy, and all
                     progress details in the plan.

                                 6)  Submit a framework to the Committee for consideration.
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