Page 167 - Plan GI
P. 167


                  ตารางผนวก ก-1 (4) ระดับความเหมาะสมของคาพิสัยของคุณภาพที่ดินสำหรับ (สับปะรดทาอุเทน)

                                 LAND - USE REQUIREMENT                       FACTOR RATING
                   LAND QUALITY            Diagnostic factor   Unit    S1       S2      S3      N
                   TEMPERATURE (t)         Mean temp. in      c       22-26    27-30   31-32    >32
                                           Growing period                      21-20   19-15    <15

                   MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (m)   Ann. Rainfall   mm.   1000-1500  1500-2000  2000-2500   >2500
                                                                             900-1000  700-900   <700
                                           Water             mm.

                                           in growing period
                   OXYGEN AVAILABILITY (o)   Soil drainage   class     5,6      4        3      1,2
                   NUTRIENT AVAILABILITY (s)   N (total)      %
                                           P                 ppm

                                           K                 ppm
                                           Organic matter     %
                                           Nutrient status   class   VH,H,M     L
                   NUTRIENT RETENTION CAPACITY  C.E.C ดินลาง   meq/100g   >15   5-15   <5
                                           B.S. ดินลาง       %       >35      <35
                   ROOTING CONDITIONS (r)   Effective soil   cm.      >50      30-50   20-30    <20
                                           Gravel             %       <15      15-40   40-80    >80

                                           Root penetration   class    1,2      3        4
                   FLOOD HAZARD (f)        Frequency       yrs./time   10yrs/1   6-9yrs/1  3-5yrs/1   1-

                   EXCESS OF SALTS (x)     EC. of saturation   mmho/c  <2      2-3      3-6     >6

                   SOIL TOXICITIES (Z)     Depth of jarosite   cm.    >150    100-150   50-100   <50
                                           Reaction          pH      4.5-6.0   6.1-6.5   6.6-7.8   >7.8

                                                                              4.0-4.4   3.5-3.9   <3.5
                   SOIL WORKABILITY (k)    Workability class   class   1,2      3        4
                   POTENTIAL FOR           Slope             class    ABC       D        E      >E
                   MECHANIZATION (w)       Rockout crop      class     1        2,3      4       5

                                           Stoniness         class     1        2        3       4
                   EROSION HAZARD (e)      Slope             class     AB       C        D      >D
                                           Soil loss       ton/rai/yrs   <2    2-4     4-12     >12
                  Note:-  Day lenght   - short day
                      Growing period   - 12 months (pereninalcrop)
                      Growing period (moisture) – vegetative growth
                      Soil texture requirement of crips – vfsl,l,sil,si
                      Others –
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